I am surrounded by people that “listen to the voice of heaven” daily and then respond. Whether it is hearing the voice that testifies that there is a Heavenly Father that loves them, or heeding the call to come and serve the poor and needy, or the call to ‘feed my sheep”, or crying to the Lord and feeling his comfort at the loss of a loved one, or the “voice of heaven” just giving them courage to face the everyday concerns of life. The “voice of heaven” instructs us how we should think, speak, act, teach, live so we can become disciples of Christ. I have been pondering how well I ‘listen to the voice of heaven.’ Do I remove the distractions of the world long enough to hear the voices and follow what they are telling me? I know when I do the”heavens” open up and things become much clearer as to the path I should take. I am so grateful that I listened to the “voice of heaven” and came on this mission. The distractions are fewer than at home and it seems much easier to ‘hear’ His voice while we are serving Him. When we do it right, the voice is loud and clear and each day is filled with praying, listening and then acting. “Thou art my servant; and I covenant with thee that thou shalt have eternal life; and thou shalt serve me and go forth in my name, and shalt gather together my sheep. And he that will hear my VOICE shall be my sheep; and him shall ye receive into the church, and him will I also receive.” Mosiah 26: 20 – 21
We woke Monday morning to a clear and glorious day. So we went walking. We tried to find an investigators home that we had gone to earlier but did not succeed. But enjoyed the beauty around us. Later that day we went to see the young man that was baptized Sunday,Smanga, at the snak shack. As we talked to this young man, I thought about how he learned of the church – Zweli. I have told you about this group before – the drug dealers of Lobamba. Zweli was the leader of this group but “listened to the voice of heaven”, gained a testimony of the love of the Savior and of repentance and was baptized. Now, almost a year later, his influence has brought 7 other young men who have listened to the voice and have made a mighty change in their life. Most people would have considered these young men a lost cause, hopeless, not worthy to teach but someone listened to the voice, taught and reinforced the priesthood power in Ezulwini. No one is ever fallen too far for the Holy Ghost to influence. We also, found out that the missionaries had not given him his CTR ring or bookmark at his baptism. I knew that we were not going to be able to be there, so I gave them to the elders to present to him after the ordinance. But they failed! Smanga told us to give them FIRE for not because the others had gotten one and he was looking forward to having his. As he told us that, the others showed us their hands with their CTR rings. Now imagine…you have these children CTR rings on these manly hands. It was a moment that I was glad I had ‘listened to the voice’ when I decided to give the rings out to those who were being baptized because they are wearing them proudly. All the elders came over before their soccer game which we watched for awhile until we had to hurry home for our dinner guests….Mthetwas. Since our plans had changed Sunday night, Monday sounded like a great time to redeem ourselves. We had a great FHE and we are so glad that they are near. She is from Pretoria, South Africa and he is a Swazi.

Smanga or street name is Smar


These are for my grandson, Blake, who will not read my blog unless there is a picture of an animal!

We received news late Monday night that one of our zone leaders, Elder Apuna, has been called as an AP so our Tuesday plans changed rapidly. I got up early to make chicken salad to put in some homemade rolls for the AP’s that were driving from Durban. We met the AP’s at the Lavumisa border – 2 hour drive - and handed over Elder Apuna. He had only been with us for 5 weeks but was making a great influence in Swaziland. We will truly miss him. While driving to the border, Nathi, called me and said that it was his girlfriends birthday today and wanted to surprise her with a cake which he hoped I would be willing to bake. We were suppose to go with the elders to visit an investigator when we got home, but again changed our plans so I could help him out. The cake was made and we rushed to our marriage class which only 1 couple showed up so we were glad that Nathi and his girlfriend came so we had a short lesson and celebrated her birthday.
Dennis, Elder Apuna, Me

Elders Kanyembo, Apuna, Me, Lombardi, King, Wilcox

AP’s - Elders Brown, Khombane, and the newest, Apuna

Nathi’s girlfriend – Masisi –we are working on making her a member! Isn’t she darling!

I absolutely love going and meeting new people. Wednesday was filled with new Swazi friends in my life. We started with a walk which I love to do with a very old friend – my dear companion,eternal husband and friend. Then hurried to Manzini’s DTM which I forgot to take a picture but I love those young men. Then off to pick up Branch President Shongwe and Bro. Armstrong to check out the place that Ezuwlini Branch will be serving for African Helping Hands on Saturday. It is a care point – not sure of the name – but it is like a day care for orphans and underprivileged. This sweet lady takes care and feeds over 50 children from 2 to 6 from 8:00 am to 1:00 feeding them breakfast and lunch. Right now she is teaching them under a big tree but a volunteer service called All Out Africa have been working on building a class room for her. These young youth are here from England spending their holiday from college doing volunteer work around Africa. They have built her a room, playground and removing rocks to flatten the play area. These youth have listened to the voice of heaven and at their expense and time helping make the life of little ones better. On Saturday our Ezulwini members will be clearing, preparing and planting a garden for them. All these amazing people enriched my life that day. Then we took Pres. Shongwe visiting to two families that are inactive. One family, Nkambule, is a family of parents and two boys – 8 and 3. They were active until recently when it appears the babe has returned to being a Zionist – a very prominent religion around here. She and the children say they still believe but he insist they go with him. Pres. Shongwe told her to continue to pray because the Lord is listening. The Dlamini family was our next stop. Again, a traditional family that were active until a few months ago when there was a dispute between another member that was living with them. They have stopped coming. Pres. Shongwe told her (both husbands were not home when we visited) that she needed to look eternally, not just the moment. Boy, do we have our work cut out for us. The church here in Swaziland desperately needs families. They have so few members that have a babe, make and children. Some branches have only 1 or 2 in the entire branch. We could use your prayers. Here are two families that once believed and have lost that testimony. Pres. Monson has asked every faithful member to rescue those who have tasted of the gospel fruit and then have fallen away and help them gain eternal life. These two families have been added t our “Road to a Stake” wall. After these visits, we went to visit Pres. Shongwe’s wife, Sebe. On Monday, she miscarriaged – 3 months along – and was in bed. We visited for awhile This would have been their first. The sorrow sometimes is unbearable but they both have great faith. As we were leaving, Portia (getting married in September in the temple) and Funi came out and visited. Wonderful YSA’s. We made a lunch date for Friday. After a long day, it was home to make the invitations for our missionary reunion on the 25th. I enjoyed that project. (Of course, elders over later. I love hearing about their day)
Dennis, Bro. Armstrong, Pres. Shongwe

Sweet lady that cares for and teaches the children

2- month old grandson

English volunteers plastering the outside walls

Removing boulders to flatten the playground

The tree that the children have class under

The future new classroom

Sister Nkambule and her children

Sister Dlamini’s shack outside of their house which provides their income

Friend and Sister Dlamini

Sister Dlamini’s daughter and friend

Thursday started early because I made 180 no-bake cookies to take to the volunteers and children at the care point. It was such an heart-warming visit. They were eating their breakfast – porridge – which you could see all over their faces. She instructed them to go to the tree for class which they did. You are talking about 2 – 6 years old. It was quite a sight to see. Such well behaved children. Before we passed out the cookies she had them sing a prayer. We got some it on video but we do not know how to put it on the computer but so sweet. Then came the cookies. They were thrilled. We gave some to the English volunteers also. It was appreciated by all. We then went to Matsapha to pick up Mancoba so he could look at the invitation for our missionary reunion before we printed them. Dennis spent the rest of the afternoon talking to a companionship that is struggling a little discussing what they can do to improve it. I spent the time having a wonderful talk with the branch’s mission leader – a young man. I asked how he was converted and the story was a miracle. His mother and him had been attending different churches to find the right one and couldn’t, so they stopped going to church but not praying His mother prayed that the Lord would assist them. The heavens were opened and she had a dream. She saw two young men in white shirts and ties sitting in their home teaching them with another book other than the Bible. She told her dream to her children so this young man was watching for the sign. A few days later the missionaries were out tracting and became discouraged (sound familiar). They were walking down the street and passed their home. A few houses down they stopped because they had an impression they were missing something. They paused for a long time, turned around and the Lord directed them to the right home. They knocked, she answered, recognized them from her dream, welcomed them and the rest is history. The young man said that he was converted the minute he saw them and he has not looked back since. He has only been a member since December and is getting ready to put his mission papers in. He said that he wants to share this wonderful message to everyone. He loves the gospel and its truths. A marvelous afternoon for me. Not so much for Dennis but he hopes things will be better. This mother feeds the missionaries two to three times a week. She wants to do anything she can to help the work proceed. The heavens were opened and the elders and this sweet family listened. What miracles can happen when we listen.

Look at that porridge on his face

Friday morning was spent catching up on mission emails – our employment class in September, missionaries that are coming home, branches, etc. Then we drove to Mbabane to meet up with Phila to get his PEF loan. We found the Mbabane sight for Helping Hands so we will know where it is. Then on to Manzini, picked up Pres. Mahlalela and went to their sight for Helping Hands – Hope House – a hospice facility that admits and cares for terminally-ill patients including those dying from HIV/Aids related illnesses. They are required to have a care giver that has to stay with them 24 hours. There are 26 units all equipped with a kitchen, toilet and shower, two beds, couch – a comfortable place to recuperate and come to terms with their condition. Their mission is to ensure that patients are prepared for their lives on earth and in the world beyond. It is operated by the Roman Catholic Church. We were able to meet the nun who manages it and she took us around. We met a family whose father is dying and his wife and little girl lives there with him. then a little 9-year-old boy who’s caregiver is someone other than a family member. There are seven children in the family and the mother couldn’t be there. What a wonderful thing to do for these families that are facing death. Sister Elsa was so nice and made us feel welcomed and showed us all the things that needed to be done. The branch will be busy. We went and picked up the tools from Bro. Armstrong for tomorrow then drove to Whimpy’s where I met up with Portia and Funi for dinner. We had a great time. We made wedding plans – I am helping with invitations and getting her things to South Africa. We talked of the temple experience and how her fiance and her will not have much family there. That is so hard for the couple and the families. She hopes that her branch family will be able to attend but realizes that it is far and expensive. While we were eating, Dennis delivered chickens to the Shongwe’s for tomorrows lunch. Normally, I wouldn’t mention this, but after we went to the chapel to pick up the Helping Hands bibs. They have a guard that works from 6:00 p.m to 6:00 a.m. watching the chapel. I started talking to him while Dennis went inside. During the conversation I told him he should come to church on Sunday because there would be so many young people like him and he would enjoy himself. He said that it was the same time as his church – the church of Jehovah (I’m thinking, Jehovah Witnesses). I took that as a no. So we are fast forwarding right now – he showed up on Sunday. Couldn’t believe it! The Ezulwini Elders spent the night helping Musa put up a tent for the funeral and getting chairs from a school. It was raining and miserable but they were troopers. They came and asked for our bakki to hurry matters up.

Sister Elsa

Funi (she was not feeling well), Myself, Portia

Our guard – I have no idea why I took the picture

At 4:15 on Saturday morning our alarm rang but of course, I was already awake. Whenever I have to wake early, my body does not trust itself so it wakes every hour on the hour to make sure that I do not sleep through it. We wanted to attend the funeral of Tema Nonophile Dlamini – the little girl found dead last week. Funerals around here are always on Saturday or Sundays. They had the night vigil but we were told that the funeral would begin at 5:00 a.m. So the Ezulwini elders and ourselves arrived at 5:00 only to find that they had already gone to the graveside. Now, tell me where in the US can you arrive at 5:00 a.m. and be late for a funeral. The elders were very disappointed after all the work they had done and their desire to support Musa. So someone agreed to help us find the graveside. It took us awhile but we finally found it. I taped a little bit of the singing, but they really should try out for that TV show where they sing without instruments but it sounds like you have instruments. Forgot what it is called. They were so good. It was really dark but when we arrived they started parting for us so we could get to the front. I don’t understand that. We really are not family. We shouldn’t be treated special. The pastor said a few words and they started shoveling dirt on the casket. Then Musa came up to Dennis and asked if he would say a few words which he graciously agreed. Den did a great job and gave them all hope for this little girl. Then they sang again and everyone took a handful of dirt and place it on the grave. We found out that we were standing in the middle of a bunch of graves. I guess you can bury anywhere but there were not markers. So sad to be left there without any reminder of who you are.
Walking back after the graveside

Tema’s burial spot – look at that little grave in the back – no marker

Other gravesides

Dennis and Musa

More gravesides

AFRICA MORMON HELPING HANDS – On the same Saturday in August, Latter-Day Saints from all over Africa perform service projects. I was so grateful to be part of it this year. The branches have been preparing for this for a long time and when the Saturday arrived, they were ready to act. After the funeral we rushed to Ezulwini’s sight to drop off the tools – 6:30. The kombi with the branch members arrived around 6:45. I was so surprised how many there were. Good people. Then we drove to Pres. Shongwe’s to pick up the food that he had prepared and bring him and his wife. When we returned they were hard at work. They cleared a whole patch of ground, plowed it by hand, made mounds for planting by hand, planted and put a fence up to protect the garden from cows and chickens. They fed everyone sandwiches, drinks, rice, chicken/vegetable mix which they always have. Their stable food. When I was there on an earlier day, they had this little 2-month old that I fell in love with. I mentioned that I would love sometime to put a baby on my back and carry it like the African women do. So, on Saturday, they approached me and said that this was the time to carry a baby. They strapped him on me and I became an African mom. It really was quite comfortable and surely freed up my hands to do the work. We may have to introduce this to America.
Arriving at 6:45

The baby’s mother

Can you believe that Musa came just after burying his niece?

We rushed to Manzini to be with that branch at Hope House. Again a great turnout. When we got there the trees were trimmed, the garden almost finished, leaves raked, ground weeded and edged, fences cleared – looked marvelous. Sister Elsa was directing everyone and so sweet. Pres. Mahlalela did a great job organizing this wonderful project for his branch.

Then off to Mbabane Branch for their project at the care point. They were just about finished when we arrived. They had cleared away tons of dirt in the back of the building by shovel and wheelbarrow. Amazing feat. They also helped plant a garden and cleaned inside the classroom. It looked fabulous.

There was a smudge mark on our camera lens!

Very worthwhile projects that blessed the lives of many in need. These branches “listened to the voice of heaven’ and responded in numbers. Couldn’t of been better. We returned tools and headed back home after a very productive morning. At 5:00 we went with some elders to visit a family – again Dlamini – when in doubt of a surname (last name) say Dlamini and 50% of the time you would be correct. I really need to learn names! The 10-year-old was just baptized a few weeks ago . The mother is a member but works most Sundays so the daughter comes alone – quite a walk. The babe used to come to church but refuses now. Their homestead was high on a mountain and had the most amazing view. It was a really nice home and the visit was delightful. The babe was there but would not come in even when asked to for a closing prayer. You have to admire children and their dedication in situations like that. Fast forward again, the next day in church she gave a talk a did a fabulous job. Got up there with such confidence – no parents there to give her support. Just herself and her new church family. Then the Manzini Elders came over at 7:00 for a braai. We ate, played cards and had a wonderful time.
Sunday the heavens were opened and the investigators listened and came to the Ezulwini Branch! As I said earlier, the guard of the chapel came and with him came a neighbor that was already investigating the gospel. Funi, one I had dinner with on Friday, was on a kombi Thursday and started talking to a young man. Religion came up and she invited him to church. He SMS her Sunday morning and showed up. He met a girl on his kombi ride to the church who was also coming to the branch. They showed up together. This girl was a friend of another investigator named Prince. Another sweet young lady introduced herself as a neighbor (kind of – her mom is renting a spot on a homestead of a member) of the RS 2nd Counselor who just had a baby. She said that she had seen these two boys coming often to Sis. Dlamini’s home. One time they brought a birthday cake for one of the sons and she thought, “I want to be part of that religion.” (Remember weeks ago when I helped the elders make my chocolate cake for a young boy’s birthday. That was the cake!) So she came on her own because Sis. Dlamini was not there because she had a baby on Saturday. Then the BEST, in walks Nombulelo! My heart skipped a beat, I was so excited. Oh what a great day at church. Dennis and I are a part of something wonderful. Miracles are happening all around us.
Dennis attended his District Meetings and I was home feeling gratitude for the blessings that Heavenly Father was pouring down on us. Later the elders came over for transfer news. We lost our Zone Leader last week and he is being replaced by Elder Maclean’s cousin – Elder Maclean. He is psyched! Than Elder Puso is leaving and Elder Guthrie is replacing him. Only two – that was great news for us!
The Heavens were opened on Monday night. I spent most of the day doing laundry and cooking for our FHE guests – the Lobamba boys. We invited them over for dinner and to watch the Joseph Smith movie. We expected maybe 7 but 10 plus the missionaries showed up. How great is that! Before we started the movie Dad asked Zweli to tell how he was introduced to the church. He said that he was sleeping at his homestead and there was a knock at the door. He opened and there were two boys in white shirts – one white and one black. He was too tired to think so he invited them in. They told him about Christ and left a pamphlet and told him they would be back. In a few days they returned but this time there was no white man. (Must have been transferred). They gave him the Book of Mormon and he read it and knew it was true. He was baptized on September 11, 2011. He said that they saved his life and that he will never leave the church. He knows the gospel is true and that Jesus loves him. Now remember, he was a drug dealer and a gang member. These young men that sat in our home Monday night, were all involved in a life that we cannot even conceive. The world would call them hopeless, worth nothing. But as I sat and watched them, I am a witness of what the gospel can do. All because one man "’listened to the voice of heaven” all these boys now can ‘hear the voice of heaven’. These men wept as they watched the movie. The veil was so thin that night in our home. I do not remember feeling that close to my Heavenly Father. The spirit was so strong, I almost could not bear it. After, the movie was over, Dennis bore his testimony; then the Elders and then me. And then the young men did. I know that the testimonies that were borne that night are recorded in heaven. Our Heavenly Father and our Savior are pleased with these young men. I felt THEIR love for these boys. I am so grateful for my knowledge of the gospel. I am so grateful to be part of the missionary work that can work miracles. That night, I felt his unconditional love for all of us. I love those boys that sat in our living room. “There is seemingly no end to the expansive capacity to love.” The gospel not only changed their lives but is continually changing mine. I thought I understood the gospel, but I really have only a small portion of understanding. The following picture are these young men…most of them recent members. Two will be baptized in two weeks and one was just introduced to us that night. ( Zweli is the one on the end of the couch – left side with white shirt.) All because two missionaries were tracting, knocked on a door and changed the life of so many.
Two young men mentioned to the missionaries that they have never had a meal like that and sat at a table. How sad because it was just taco soup and breadsticks!

I know it is a long blog but this is for Dennis and I to remember these feelings that are so tender to us that we are experiencing on this mission. We are so glad that we ‘listened to the voice of heaven’ and came on this mission. I know that this is where we are suppose to be. If any of you are feeling prompted at all, please tune in and listen to what is being said. This is the Lord’s work but he cannot do it without our help. We have so much to do here. Instead of checking off things each day, things are added. There is only one of us but we could use 3 or 4 more senior couples here just in this small country of Swaziland. Times that by the world!! So much could be done to help “Rescue” the members and spread his love! The Branch Presidents here have such a heavy load. In two of the branches, the President is doing it on their own. My heart weeps for them. I want so much to help, but there is no way we can do everything. I love my Heavenly Father, I love my Savior, I love this gospel. I want to do their work. I am gaining so much more than I am giving. My cup runneth over!