Have you kept pace with the Church as it has HASTENED THE WORK?
A few weeks ago a friend of ours sent us his notes and thoughts of the regional conference held in the Salt Lake Valley a few months ago. What a marvelous conference it must have been....such a wealth of knowledge, motivation and inspiration given. One talk in particular captured my heart.....I guess because of where I am and what I am doing. It was the talk given by President Donald Halstrom about HASTENING THE WORK. The following are some thoughts written by our friend...."He asked who is hastening the work? He then responded that it is the Lord Jesus Christ that is hastening His work. He is the one doing the hastening. He made the point that there are several places where we are taught that certain parts of the Lord's work are the most important. In one place we are told missionary work is the most important thing we can be doing. In another place we are taught that Family History work is the most important. Which it is? He said that they are all important. One is not over the other.
"He then gave many examples as a taste of what has happened in just the last 20 years as a demonstration of how the Lord is hastening his work. We have gone from just a handful of temples to over 150. We have gone from 55,000 full time missionaries to 85,000 after raising the age. There used to be 17 steps to get a name cleared for temple work. Now there are five. General Conference will be translated into nearly 100 languages. Technology has exploded with tools and devices that make sharing the gospel remarkably easy. He said that there will yet many more amazing things happen as the Lord hastens His work.
"Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve was the concluding speaker. he said that after listening to what Elder Halstrom said that it made him tired."
What a powerful reminder of what we should be doing! Hastening the Lord's work in all aspects of the gospel. In D & C. He said.."Behold, I will hasten my work in its time." I believe that it is His time and the work here in Africa is moving in torpedo speed. What a joy to be part of His "hastening of the work" in this part of His vineyard. President Monson said that no longer should members simply pray for missionaries to find people to teach--they should lead out in the finding, inviting, fellowshipping and rescuing the inactives. He also shared that the Lord is also hastening His work in the spirit world. Brigham Young talked about the saints in the spirit world when he said, "What are they doing there? They are preaching, preaching all the time, and preparing the way for us to hasten our work in building temples here and elsewhere." What a prophecy. This takes me back to the interview we had with a sister where she talks about her deceased husband whom she saw in a dream. He was so busy taking people from one side of Heaven to another, that he didn't have time to talk to her. He was busy "hastening the work" in heaven. Family History is no longer a grandparent's responsibility but the youth has become involved in extraction and even consultants. Isn't it a wonderful time to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to participate in the '
On Thursday, 6 October it was back to the center with catching up to do on Church History. There is always work to do......extracting stories, contacting country advisers, oral histories to record, RPC to catalogue. With the Lord "hastening His work", Church History is attempting to keep up to make sure nothing is ever forgotten.....remember, remember, lest we shall forget. Tilungile Ntshalintshali with her family arrived Thursday evening for a wedding of their sibling on Friday. They were staying the weekend with us. That night we fed twelve and slept 10. We also packed up a suitcase of our African treasures for Sister French to take back to Utah for us. Another answer to a prayer. Friday morning I fixed breakfast for everyone before we left for work. The Ntshalintshali family spent the day and evening celebrating with their brother. They arrived back to our place around 9:00. In the meantime, we did some needed shopping. Saturday, everyone was gone around 10:00. I worked on a DVD that I was making for the Weeks farewell while Dennis went to Makro for me to do some shopping. Around 2:00 Mohau and Lebo Sele with Thabang Mokoena and a friend, Lerato, arrived. Mohau and Lebo were staying the weekend. We went to the Military Museum, came back and enjoyed pizza and games together. We took Thabang and Lerato home which took us 2 1/2 hours. It was a busy day. Sunday we attended church in Kagiso where Mohau attends (in case, you have forgotten...Mohau and Lebo were married in May but live apart. The universities here are protesting and the schools are closed so Lebo came down to be with Mohau). We watched two sessions of conference. So uplifting. I love conference. I always hate to have it end. On our arrival home, I made chicken cordon bleu, rolls, carrots because we invited Elder French (his wife is in America) and the Blakes for dinner. We had a great visit. We are surrounded by amazing couples.
The Ntshalintshali from Swaziland arrive to spend the weekend while they attend their brother's wedding
I love the smiles....
Preparing for sleep...
Breakfast in the morning before we head for work
The family before they depart back to Swaziland
They said that this was the first time that they have all been able to sleep together for a function. They had such a great time together.
The wind was blowing and it was only my hair that it affected.
We had a small devotional before they left to ask for our Heavenly Father's protection
Just a few hours after the Ntshalintshali family left, Mohau and Lebo Sele and Thabang Mokoens and his friend, Lerato, arrived for the rest of the weekend.
We went to the military museum
Sunday morning breakfast....a beautiful couple
Ready for church
I will miss these scenes as we travel around....our way to Kagiso, Soweto
Sunday dinner in our home with Elder Jeff French and Sister Margaret and Elder Karl Blake

Monday 10, October we began the week in the office. Over the weekend I finished the DVD of the Weeks time in Africa and Monday I had Elder Powell help me burn it so we could show that night at the farewell for the Weeks. It turned out really well. I hope it will hold fond memories for them as they watch it and remember their time in Africa. Tuesday we had an oral interview with Sister Sylvia Milne Hefer, a pioneer in South Africa. What a wealth of experience and service this lady gave to the church here in South Africa. We spent 2 1/2 hours with her and the next day she called her son telling him all the things that she forgot to tell us. What a sweet woman. At the end of the interview, I had a coughing attack and had to excuse myself during her testimony. Shame....That night we went to Stan and Rene Gorman's place for dinner and an old-time movie. It was a black and white with no sound but an organ playing. What a delight it was. It was really fun to go back in time. I was up most of Tuesday night coughing, so I stayed home on Wednesday. I slept and worked on a wedding DVD for Aduma and Analisa who are coming this weekend from Cape Town. That night Weeks invited all the senior couples to Chiappa Mexican food for dinner. Eish, there was a whole lot of people. They did a great job getting our food to us. A final good-bye from the Weeks. They left Thursday for Italy, England, Indiana and then home to California. They will be missed. After dinner we joined the Weeks in their flat to watch the TV series Victoria. So good. We will not be able to finish it so will have to work on that when we get home. Thursday we had visitors in the center. Mabel Tshabalala came into say Hi, Elder Sorenson from the Durban mission and Amandio and Amancio Feijo from Angola. Amandio had been here before with is wife and child and this time he brought his twin brother so he could go to the temple for the first time. We worked through lunch and that evening we picked up Aduma and Analisa Stengile at the airport. We came home, ate and played games. Friday they spent the day doing family history and at the temple while we worked. We had homemade pizza and played games. I baked for our missionary reunion on Saturday and got up at 1:00 in the morning to put the meat in the crockpot. Saturday was our reunion which I wrote previously about. Sunday, we attended the Dobsonville Ward because Patricia had asked for Dennis to baptize her youngest daughter, Ziyanda. A great ward and what a honor to baptize Patricia's child. Now they are all baptized. What a legacy for Patricia and Dennis that found her. After dinner we had to say good-bye to Aduma and Analisa at the airport. We have so enjoyed having them here.
Gathering for our farewell to Gregg and Sherry Weeks
Sister KK and Elder Stanley Ellis of the area presidency
Weeks sharing their mission experiences
Watching the DVD
The Weeks were the first ones to visit us when we arrived on mission and has been a dear friends ever since. How I will miss them.
Sylvia Milne Hefer whom we did an oral interview with
Dinner at Chiappa's Mexican food as our last good-bye to the Gregg and Sherry Weeks
Watching the TV series, Victoria, the night before the Weeks leave for home
Amancio and Amandio from Angola. They are twins. We had met Amandio previous with his wife and child. Amancio came to receive his endowments.
Elder and Sister Walton had been mission presidents in Angola and knew the brothers
Leon interviewed Amandio because they had split the Angola District and made two. Amandio was a bishop and is now in the new district presidency. (Eish, must be interesting because look how intently I am listening)
Analisa and Aduma Stengile from Cape Town expecting their first child (daughter) in February
Dennis baptized Ziyanda (Patricia's daughter) on Sunday in the Dobsonville, Soweto Ward
They couldn't get the font to fill very fast so they were using the fire hose and buckets from the kitchen so we could continue with the baptism.
Finally, we were ready for the baptism
Shame on me but I couldn't resist. Ziyanda bearing her testimony
This man confirmed Ziyanda. He is a member of the bishopric
Now the entire family is baptized
Analisa and Patricia. Elder Stengile served in Patricia's branch in Swaziland
Dennis and Siya
Ziyanda and me...how I wish I had African hair on a windy day
We wanted to show Analisa and Aduma the jacarandas before they left for Cape Town. They were just beginning to blossom.
The full moon on the way home from the airport .

Mondays bring us a new start, a new beginning, new perspective on life for the coming week. Kind of exciting wondering what the week will bring us. Monday, 17 October was just that. The week ahead was great. Rene Gorman invited us for dinner that night and we spent 5 hours just talking and enjoying each others company. We could have spent 18 months enjoying our friendship if we just would have started earlier. Tuesday, Thoba Karl Halla is going to be a guest speaker in Botswana and asked if I would take pictures of her for a flyer. I am trying to catch up on everything in the center for the new couple coming. It is taking me a lot of time. That evening we went to the movie "Queen of Katwe". Excellent. I recommend it to everyone. It is about a young girl from the slums in Uganda that becomes a chess player. Go see it!! It is a feel good movie. Wednesday, Michael and Amy Paulo invited us over for a braai. We had a grand time with a real South African braai. Thursday, we went to the theater to see "Annie" with Jubbers, Beckstrands, Grafs and Broadbents. It was a fabulous production. We were three rows in. Never been that close. Friday, we went to see Grace Kolwane in Atteridgeville. She had made an African shirt for Dennis and was finishing up a matching skirt for me. Can't believe how sweet and giving the people are. Grace has moved into her mother's home since she passed away. We went there to take a picture to her and to say good-bye. Love this woman. Machawe Shongwe came to see us. Michael and Amy Paulo invited us to Amy's concert. She sings in the alumni University of Johannesburg choir. Another great evening spent enjoying the talents of other people. It was a great week.
Dennis and Thoba
Our friend Yoli in the self-reliance department, rang the bell declaring that she had a job!!!
Cassie and the family sent us a 30-day count down chain for our return home
Grace Rawlings came in to see us
Michael Paulo (served with us in Swaziland) preparing the braai
Amy in the kitchen
Enjoying the food and friendship
Amy, Amy's sister, me and Michael
Having dinner before the play "Annie" at Monte Casino
Grafs and Beckstrands
Jubbers - look how awesome the place is. Such a festive spirit.
Waiting for the play to begin
The stars
Grace with the shirt that she made Dennis
Finishing up my skirt
Our matching African attire
Grace and her daughter
I have jacaridis.....can't get enough of these amazing trees.
Debbie Pienaar who works in the area office, is the aunt of Amy Paulo. She greeted us at the concert
African section of the concert
Amy and Michael Paulo with Dennis and I during intermission
Amy singing
The Lord is 'hastening His work". Let's get on board and be a part!
Happy 16th Birthday, Ethan on 16th of October! Can't believe that you have reached that magical age. So much of "wonderfulness" ahead of you! Love ya....(sorry Ethan, this is the only picture I have)
20 October is Anthony's birthday. What a sweet young man he has become. A young man that loves to read, plays guitar and enjoys live. Happy Birthday....hope you had a great day!
Couldn't resist this picture
(The problem with digital cameras, is that the pictures stay in the camera or computer and never, ever get to those who would love to have them......namely me.)