Sunday, February 10, 2013

I WISH EVERYDAY WAS SUNDAY February 4–10, 2013

Today was a powerful Sabbath.  It was our District Conference with an area authority visiting us….Elder Colin H. Bricknell and his wife.  I will tell you about the conference later.  But I want to tell you a story first.  Like I said it was an amazing two days.  At the conclusion of the final session on Sunday, Dennis was in the bathroom and one of our investigating Lobamba boys, Marcos Dlamini, came in.   After expressing how wonderful the day had been for him, Marcos said to Dennis, “I wish everyday was Sunday.”  How many of us feel that way?  I think at home I might have felt that way but I do not think it was for the right reasons.  I enjoyed the day because it was different than other days – not quite as many worldly responsibilities…a more laid back day.  I enjoyed visiting with the members but I do not think my heart and soul was in the correct spirit.  My thoughts were not always on the Savior so I could receive His spirit and feel the warmth of His love.  Here in Africa, every Sabbath for the past year has been a spiritual experience with feelings that I have no words to express.  I have opened my heart and thoughts to Him and sat back and let him teach me. 

But for these people here, Sabbath is the day that they can escape from their hard life and the evil influences that are constantly surrounding them, and let the Savior fill their hearts and souls.  When you live every day with immorality, drugs, drinking, poverty, etc., imagine how calming it would be to enter the chapel and have the spirit enter your soul.  Their desire to have everyday Sunday is a powerful statement. This young man has found the spirit he needs to survive in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Oh, how I love this work and bringing that calming spirit into their lives.   I,too, wish everyday was Sunday because I love worshipping the Lord with the Swazi members and non-members.

Marcos Dlamini – we lovingly call him “dreads”

He would be baptized, but he has relapses on his drinking.  He will make it!


Monday, February 4th – TRANSFER day for the next two days.  Dennis finished some responsibilities early before we left.  We went to Mbabane to pick up Elder Shumway and took him to deliver some food to the Msibi family.  He was shocked to see how they live.   We knew that she needed some food and didn’t want her to go without.  She was excited to show us how much water she had collected the night before because of a huge rain storm.  Now, she said, she could finish her laundry without having to walk so far to fetch it.  She gave some mangos to Elder Shumway.  She is a lovely woman who is building her mansions in heaven.  Then we proceeded on to Manzini to pick up Elder Zsembery, changed bakki’s with them for good (we are putting too many miles on our bakki, so the president asked us to change with Manzini elders’ bakki which had a lot fewer miles on it).  After the good-byes we drove to Piet Retief and handed them off to Elder Miller where they will continue their journey to New Castle for Elder Zsembery and Bloemfountain for Elder Shumway.  Dennis and I were elderless, so we went for dinner at Mama Mia’s before we continued home.  The Lobamba boys came over for their FHE/PMG.

Elders Shumway and Condie


Elder Zsembery


Saying good-bye



We are going to miss these guys – Elder Zsembery was with us for 7 1/2months


Tuesday I fixed pancakes for the Ezulwini elders to begin the day.  We picked up Elder Guthrie from Manzini, drove to Richards Bay – a 4 1/2 hour drive, met our new elders from Durban and Richards Bay, Elders Armstrong, brand new elders – Jones and Lime, Stengile and Holmes (our new Zone Leader) and then drove back home.  We arrived safely at 11:00 p.m exhausted.   Why does sitting and doing nothing make you so tired?  I’ll never understand it.

Elders Lombardi, Guthrie, Kinyaka, Redford, Awalla, Gideme


So hard to say good-bye


Teaching the gospel at the petro port in Richards Bay


Making the exchanges


Elder Stengile


Elders Jones, Lime, (Elder Guthrie’s new companion) Armstrong


Elder Lime and Holmes in their new boarding – I look evil


Elder Stengile meeting his new companion, Elder Heki


Wednesday, February 6th, 2013 – LEONA LOMBARDI’s 10th Birthday.  What an amazing young lady she has become.  As the oldest in her family, she is a great example to her 4 siblings.  She is smart, talented, kind, loving and just a marvelous daughter, sister, granddaughter and cousin.  We love you sweetheart and wish we were there to celebrate with you!



I spent Leona’s birthday cooking and more cooking…getting ready for visitors and this weekend of conference.  We, also, went to visit Lalela for her teaching discussion with the elders.  They were late so we had time to talk.  She told us that she would like to go back to school but she has to take care of Clinton.  She showed us her pay check.  Remember she is a waitress at a very prestigious restaurant.  She earns E1008/month which is $113.  She works 9 hours a day, 6 days a week and in the three years that she has been there has never had a holiday off or vacation.  I do not know how she does it.  We fasted and prayed for her last Sunday that she would be able to find another job so she can come to church without a problem and find means to raise her child and fulfill her dreams.

Thursday, February 7th was again spent cooking and cleaning.  Sbu had to come at 6:00 a.m. to wash our car because Dennis had to meet someone (for the life of us, we cannot remember who or for what reason).  I made waffles for him and the elders.  I have been so stressed out lately that Heavenly Father had to send a monkey to get me refocused on what is important.  I was doing dishes and thinking about all the things I had to do, when I looked up and there was a monkey on my window sill, just looking at me.  How had I not noticed him there?  I swear he smiled at me, jumped off the sill and rejoined the others in the back yard.  They took off and I didn’t see them again.  I took a moment to enjoy the view from the window and thanked Heavenly Father for that reminder.   I finished writing the Lobamba boys’ stories (I wanted to give one to Elder Bricknell this weekend), Dennis attended branch presidency meeting and Elder Lorimer and his parents arrived around 8:00.  We ate, talked and went to bed.  Lovely people.  It was a great evening.

Friday, February 8th was another day without pictures. I don’t think I have every gone this many days without pictures our whole mission.  Shame!  We ate breakfast with the Lorimers, met the President and his wife at 9:30 to make final preparations for district conference and then took them to Baobab Batik.  They loved it.  President is an artist and he loved the work that they were doing.  These ladies love to see us come but I came with just containers for their paints and no sweets.  I think they were a little disappointed.  After Dennis and I went to see Nombulelo but she is on vacation.  Rushed to the Mbabane chapel to help Elder Holmes.  Heavenly Father blessed me again. He sent us an elder that can play the piano, Elder Holmes.  He consented to play the piano for me at district conference and the choir numbers.  He even said, “Thank you for giving me the opportunity.”  I was so thrilled.  But we met so I could show him what to do on the songs for the choir.  The Lorimers had a busy day visiting with investigators and members that Elder Lorimer knew.  When they arrived home we ate and talked.  I then finished the evening making final preparations for lunch tomorrow.

Lorimer Family 


February 9th - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!!  We are so thankful that you are part of our family.  You and Gina make a perfect fit…..Love you


Saturday, February 9th began the whirlwind weekend.  We were up early and had breakfast with the Lorimers.  Dennis went to the Manzini chapel to prepare for Elder Bricknell and President Von Stetten’s interviews for choosing the new district president.  Dennis has been working on this for weeks….approving people to interview, setting up appointments, making sure the agenda for the meetings are all set up and ready, etc.  It was quite the process.  I stayed at home and prepared the sandwiches and salad and dessert for lunches for them.  Dennis came and got me, we went and picked up Sister Von Stetten and then drove to the airport to pick up Sister Bricknell – she was suppose to come with her husband the night before but they did not have a reservation for her at the airport.  At 1:00 our Women’s auxillary meeting began with the district Relief Society, Primary and Young Women presidents.  Then all the branch presidencies joined us.   Sister Bricknell did a fabulous job of training.  She talked about teaching, visiting teaching and modesty.  We packed the Relief Society room.  I kept going out and getting more chairs. We had over 60 women in the room.  While we were having our meetings, the brethren were being taught by Elder Bricknell.  Dennis said the emphasis was on using councils and especially listening to the sisters who often times know more and see more than us brethren. He also showed a ward mission plan was excellently done and then asked the question “do you know what happened?    Nothing, absolutely nothing.” lesson: if you make a plan work your plan. But the best thing was when he taught “ The Savior will never forget our service to Him, and focus on the Savior and you will be better in all things.  Then we had our general session which was such a spiritual experience.  Sister Slyvia Dlamini from the Ezuwini branch began it with a powerful talk on tithing.  I can’t begin to express the wonderful job she did.  I had met her earlier and she was in a room going over it.  She told me she was so nervous.  But the Lord definitely worked through her and got his message over to the people the importance of tithing in their lives.  WOW!  What an evening.  It was completed with dinner at a restaurant where we enjoyed relaxing with the Bricknells and Von Stettens.

My man – Tip Top


The men waiting for their interviews



Cutting  handouts for the meeting

Sisters Bricknell, Von Stetten, Lombardi


Meeting with the women auxiliary district presidents


Dinner at Calabash – Bricknells, Von Stettens, Lombardi’s


I wish everyday was Sunday, February 10th, 2013 – District Conference.  What a wonderful, fulfilling day.  We received an early phone call from Lalela.  She wanted to know the details about what was going on today for church.  She wanted to attend.  We took her to the Manzini chapel to go with the members there on kombi and then we continued on to Mbabane to prepare for the conference.  There was a 9:00 a.m. meeting for all the newly baptized and recently activated members.  Dennis had arranged for kombi’s for these members so that we would have a good turn out and a great turn out we had!!!!  We had over 60 show up.  There was not room for them all.  A lot were standing but no one seemed to mind.  Elder Bricknell had everyone introduce themselves and then asked 6 to bear testimony of how they found the church and their conversion.  We had old and very young (one of the boys that was baptized last week) but what powerful testimonies they bore.  Lalela was there with a few other investigators.  I am sure they felt the spirit.  At 10:00 our general session began.  I cried through the whole thing….from the release of the old presidency to the sustaining of the new; the sustaining of 20 young men to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood; talk given by Vuzi Mamba on what his mission meant to him; the talks from Pres. Von Stetten and Elder Bricknell.  I didn’t want it to end.  I wanted Sunday to last forever.  One statement that Elder Bricknell started his talk with was “I live my life from this statement…I pray I know the Savior better tomorrow than I do today.”  I loved it.  What a simple equation to life.  The Von Stetten’s reign as mission president is over in June.  He was quite emotional.  He expressed that his dreams for Swaziland would be to have the dreaded disease be stopped; the gogos to be able to enjoy the latter-part of their life instead of raising children; that there would be opportunities made available for the people and for the Swaziland to become a stake.  Those are Dennis’ and mine desire also for this land that we love.  So the new district presidency is: Pres. Siko Ntshalintshali (former Mbabane branch president); 1st Counselor – Lucky Maseko (former 2nd counselor in the district presidency); 2nd Counselor – Solomon Mahlalela (former Manzini branch president). It is a dynamite presidency.  Swaziland will grow under their leadership.  After the meeting, Dennis gathered all the 20 young men and they transferred the higher priesthood to them.  It was emotional for Dennis.  I visited with the members, made sure Lalela go home in time to get kombi for work; met with our CES party committee and just “lingered longer”.  We had 450 members come!   Then we rushed home to make final preparations for dinner for the Bricknells and Von Stettens.  It was great having them in our home.  After they left we went to visit Patricia to see how she enjoyed the conference and to give her the 50 pictures that I developed for her of the things that we have done together with her and her family.  Later, the Von Stettens rejoined us more talk of the conference and just good old chit chat.  “I WISH EVERYDAY WAS A SUNDAY LIKE TODAY”

This little family was there before 9:00.  Look how good these little ones are sitting.


The Ezulwini branch arriveing for the 9:00 a.m. meeting being led by Patricia.


I hurried and tried to take a picture of the 9:00 a.m. meeting right after the prayer


Zweli with his new suit – ready to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood

(Ty sent us this suit in December; I gave it to Zweli and he saved it for this special day)


Manzini Young Men


Sister Simelane – just sustained as 2nd counselor in the District Relief Society Presidency


Former Presidency

Shongwe, Simelane, Maseko


New Presidency

Pres. Maseko, Ntshalintshali, Mahlalela


Pres. Von Stetten, Maseko, Ntshalintshali, Mahlalela, Bricknell


Spouses and families


“…he has poured out his Spirit upon you, and has caused that your hearts should be filled with joy…”  Mosiah 4:20.   Mosiah 5:2  “And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.”  This is what is happening here in Swaziland.  The leaders are speaking, the Lord is pouring out His Spirit and the people are making a mighty change  - forsaking evil and doing good continually and joy is filling their hearts.  They want every day to be Sunday!!!


  1. Sara: What is a bakki? What meeting were you cutting handouts for?

    Evan: What were you doing after the missionaries left? (missionaries_ Elders Shumay, Zsembery, and Condie)

    Kamri: Were you sad when the missionaries left? I love you.

    Miles: I love Primary! Love you.

  2. How busy are you that you ant remember who dad was meeting? I love it! I can't wait to hear about the growth of Swaziland over the next year.
