Death - tears come to our eyes, because we grieve, we sorrow and we miss our loved ones. But in Christ, we know there is victory over death and our absence is but a small moment. We grieve, but we know for certainity that there is a reunion with loved ones, of receiving a glorious body that will never again weaken and we know that we will forever be with our Father and Savior. Isn't that wonderful! The way to heaven is a one-way street. It is Eternal Life. Because of our loving Heavenly Father who gave us the victory through our Savior, the sting of death has been removed.
I have some dear friends that have passed in the last few weeks and friends that are experiencing that pain of missing their loved one. I know that our knowledge that they have just passed from here into the presence of the Lord, brings comfort at a time like this. I am so grateful for our Savior. For his life, his example, his atonement, his resurrection and for taking the sting out of death.
Until we meet again dear friends - Steve and Debbie. Janet and Annette, sorry for the heartache you are feeling at the passing of your mothers.
Monday, 7 March, we had a great devotional with Elder Renlund through a broadcast. What a great man. It was done for all the employees serving in the church and since he had spent 5 years in the Africa Southeast Area, we all felt like it was just for us.
- Lead like the Savior. Look for things to praise those around you. We do not start as perfect people...we help each other become.
- He shared with us about King Gustavado (?) who built a huge ship but would not listen to any of his experts that were assisting. When it sailed to sea, it sank. We need to be willing to listen to those around us and share our expertise with each other. Welcome input. Ships in port is safe but that is not what it was built for.
- See people through a parents eyes and Heavenly Father's eyes. When we are converted to Christ, we see things differently. The Holy Ghost will help you see people as Heavenly Father sees them
- Every morning pray and ask what He would like you to do that day. Every evening through prayer evaluate what you accomplished with His help.
- D & C 72:3 - eternal progression: where we are and where do we want to go
- Just a few notes. Such an inspiring devotional. He is truly wearing the mantle of an apostle.
Some very fabulous women at a farewell lunch at Olives and Plates.
My salad....
The group...
Susan and Walter Peterson....we will miss them
Happy Birthday to a most wonderful daughter that continually brings such joy into my life. Love and laughter radiates from her. I'm in awe that she is part of me. Love you sweetheart!
This little bundle of joy.........
..turned into this beautiful daughter of God.
I hope she knows how special she is...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUSHTON.....this little young man is so loving. He always greets me with a hug and a smile. We are so grateful that he is part of the family. He brings "sunshine" to all.
The day we left for mission
Dennis has been playing golf on Tuesday and Thursday mornings but this morning, 8 March, he stayed home. His knee has been giving him a lot of much that he cannot sleep. We have an appointment for him with the doctor. Our church history adviser in Zimbabwe is doing such a great job with his assignment. Today he sent us 4 oral histories. We can't begin to keep up with him and he keeps me very busy. I went to the gatehouse to help watch the children while their parents were in the temple. It was a glorious afternoon. A darling young girl from the Joburg 2 Ward came to help. Her name is Ellen. She is waiting for her mission papers. Darling girl. There were the Quemba family from the DRC - 6 children ranging from ages 23 - 5. They speak French but we found a universal language - music. I asked the oldest daughter to sing for me, which she did. Then the others started to sing. We had some kids from Angola who speak Portugese. They joined the choir and then we did. So we had French, Portugese and English singing hymns. I can't begin to share how wonderful it was. I couldn't get my video to work so that moment is lost.
My afternoon at the Gatehouse at the Johannesburg Temple
We had French, Portugese and English speaking children
They were so good....
Ellen - she came to help us. She is playing the waiting game - waiting for her mission papers
Family from the DRC - the sweetest family ever. Such well-behaved children. The oldest daughter is finishing college in Accounting.
Leading us in a hymn sung in all languages - music, the universal language
Loved this young lady......Ellen
Dressed in white and ready to go to the temple to be sealed to their parents
After the sealing....
Now a forever family. They recently had lost their mother but now she will be with them forever. They captured my heart!
Wednesday, 9 March was spent in the center while Dennis went to the doctor to have his knee checked out. They scheduled a MRI. It rained, rained and then rained some more today. It was the birthday of one of the elders that served with us in Swaziland, so we picked him up at work and took him to dinner. Then took him home which was quite an ordeal. It took us two hours just to go a little distance. With the torrent rains combined with rush hour, it took forever. Going home went much smoother.
Elder Jubber, our ASEA medical doctor, gave us a presentation on how to stay healthy.
Dinner with Elder Mohau Sele
Thursday, 10 March was a beautiful day. Nothing like the fresh smell after a rainstorm. But also we went to the temple with President Cook and his wife and all the senior couples. We had not done this was a spiritual experience. We met at the Gatehouse first and President Eppel, Joburg Temple President, and ASEA President Cook, talked to us. Then we went through a session. Elder Egan officiated and we had 26 of us together unified in such a beautiful setting. Loved it. After we met at President and Sister Cooks home for refreshments. It was a special day for me.
Gathering after a temple session at the Cooks
Sister Weeks and the Colemans
President Cook is truly a servant of our Heavenly Father - a very special man. He has a way of making everyone feel very important and special.
Sister Lynette Cook
A great couple...
Elder Robert and Martha Egan - officiated at the session
Friday, 11 MARCH - Dennis' birthday! He woke up early and went golfing - a good way to start the day for him. I had pancakes prepared for him when he returned. On the computer, I also had displayed that the University of Utah basketball won their game - this was a great birthday present. We worked at the center finishing up our training booklets. The area office had their "wellness" final activity this afternoon. I love being behind the camera - capturing the events. Everyone looked so festive. That evening we went to dinner with the Jubbers, Weeks and Grafs celebrating at a place called JB's in Melrose Arch. They had a great tomato soup - Dennis ordered it but I think I ate most of it. It was a great place, great food and great company. We then came home to play games and have dessert that Dennis chose...heavenly delight. We really had a good time.
Pancakes on the menu for birthday breakfast
In the morning, we had a special class for the senior couples on car safety given by Joy Bestor
Susan and Walt Peterson left for Zimbabwe
I made people sing to Dennis in order to get some birthday cake
Birthday lunch
The special red plate...
Area wellness activity. Each division of the area office were represented by different colors. They forgot to put Church History in a group. Oh well. Bro. Holmes had left for the DRC on Wednesday, so he wasn't there.
Sean Donnelly - PA director
Debbie Pinear - a dear friend
Janet Jubber and Sherry and Greg Weeks
Sidwell - enjoying a little breather
This was a group from Tzaneen and Sister Hall (sure you can pick her out)
Dinner at JB's in Melrose Arch with the Weeks, Grafs and Jubbers
We started Saturday, 12 March relaxing in bed for a bit. We had items we had to finish up at the center, so we left for the office. We spent time with the Campbells from Tzaneen and they brought us some mangoes!!! They are the best mangoes ever. Sister Campbell hasn't been feeling well so I contacted Elder Jubber and asked if he could come to the office. He is a good man - he came over on his day off. At one point I was going to get something, so was running and I tripped falling flat on my face on the stone floor outside. I hit my head, elbow, shoulder and knees. Immediately I was surrounded by people offering to help. Eish, I hurt but my pride was shattered. Elizabeth from canteen had frozen peas on my forehead, took me to the office, cold rags on my knees and a waste basket in front of me because I felt quite nauseated. I was sore for a few days but everything ended up okay. We drove to Hartbeesport to investigate the activities for our couples day next Monday. A beautiful place. That night we had a party at the Jubbers. He created an African Jeopardy game on the computer. We had a marvelous time.
The lake at Hartbeesport
Waiting in line to get through the tunnelIt was a perfect day - besides the fall!
Party at the Jubbers
Dennis looks kind of lonely there, doesn't he?Playing jeopardy
Elder Vernon Jubber
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEREMY......who is such a good man, husband and father. He takes such good care of our daughter and so glad he joined the family.
Sunday 13 March we attended a small cluster - the Mohlakeng group part of the Randfontein Ward. They meet in a creche (a pre-school which is always identified with very bright colors). There was so few of them. But they said they usually have more. They had us share a few words in sacrament meeting. I went to Primary and the children were so energetic but in a really good way. After block time we took a lady to the Randfontein Ward where she had an appointment with the bishop. They have a beautiful chapel. The second counselor in the bishopric, Lee Khotso Motsilili, has the responsibility for the cluster group. We met Cecil Woods family at the Randfontein Ward. He had just barely left for another assignment. But it was fun to spend time with the members there also. The Needs invited us over for dinner. Boy, did they lay out a spread. Great food. Good people. We are sure going to miss them. Did I tell you, that their assignment has been changed to office couple in Mbuji Mayi, DRC, opening the new mission there. They speak French which will be very helpful for all.
Our Sabbath in the Mohlakeng Cluster
Our Sunday School and Relief Society teacher and the one that we took to the Randfontein Ward.
The Primary

The second counselor, Bro. Motsilili, over this cluster
The creche
Such a sweet picture
Cecil Woods 2 daughters and wife in the Randfontein Ward. We have been trying to find a time to get them over for Family Home Evening.
They love their pictures taken.
Bishop Lucas Motimele
Dennis with the ward clerk, Joseph Mabuya - talking about annual histories
Dinner at the Needs with Beckstrands.
It was Ginny Graf's birthday and Paul had ordered a huge, delicious chocolate cake for all of us.
This young lady (can't find her name) introduced herself to me as a friend of Malone Manhanha from Zimbabwe. Anyone that is a friend to our missionaries, are our friends.
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