Monday, January 6, 2014


Our time on mission is passing at “torpedo speed”!  I have decided that time on mission does not pass normally.  The first few months of mission seem to last twice as long as normal time as we adapt and start to figure out what the Lord wants us to do.  The middle of a mission starts picking up speed as we start to implement the things that we desire to accomplish and get to really know and understand the people that surround us.  And the last few months fly by at torpedo speed.  As someone as said, “At first, you measure mission time in months, then in weeks, then eventually in days, because it disappears faster and faster as time goes on.”   I can’t remember any time in my life when days have come and gone so quickly. There are moments when I want time to stop, but my family and friends in America call me back. 

It seems surreal that we will be leaving Swaziland in ten days.  It is really, really hard to think about leaving the people and country we have learned to love kakhulu.  You know, it was hard to say good-bye as we left our family and friends back home to come on mission, but we always knew that we would be back.  But as we leave all the wonderful people of Swaziland, we know that we may not be returning.  This is much more difficult than I ever imagined!  Our bodies may be flying back to America, but a large portion of our hearts will be staying here in Swaziland.  We could not begin to leave all our new friends that we have grown to love here, if we didn’t know our family is waiting for us across the ocean. 

When we leave this magical kingdom, we will be taking with us so many wonderful friendships and amazing memories.  They will be part of us wherever we go.    I cannot begin to express our love for those we will be leaving behind and our appreciation for the privilege of serving a mission.  We do look forward to the time when we will meet again……….that is my greatest desire.










God be with you, dear friends, until we meet again.

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