Thursday, July 21, 2016


I want to share a special testimony with you of the faith of the African people.  A gentleman was in our office the other day talking and shared this story.  A seventy was addressing a group of African members in the Congo about the importance of the commandment of FASTING.  He told them how important it was to fast for two meals.  After a few months, one of the Congolese leaders wrote him and told him that the law of the fast was quite a struggle for his members, which the seventy responded, "Why?"  The answer demonstrates the humbleness that surrounds us everyday...."That means going without food for three days because most members only have one meal a day."  

Do we keep the commandments of God with such exactness?  

"They who have my commandments and keep them are those who LOVE me,"  John 4:21

1 comment:

  1. That is incredible. They do have a lot of faith over there.
