Friday, January 27, 2012

My Special Needs Family

The Lord blesses us with all kinds of families to enrich our life. We have our biological family, our ward family, our neighborhood family, our community (PTA) family and for me my Special Needs family. These amazing people have taught me so much about love, our Heavenly Father, friendship, kindness, finding humor in everyday life, accepting trials that are handed to you and just being HAPPY. The youth buddies were incredible and advisors were the best. Thank you all!

Last night I had to say good-bye for a season to this amazing family. Many tears and hugs were shared. I really cannot imagine not seeing them every Thursday night and having them boost my spirits. Their hugs and smiles ignites life into me. It has been an honor being in your presence. You will always be engraved in my heart – never far from me.





1 comment:

  1. How come that guy in the yellow suit didn't make it your facebook album? Great post mom--you have truly been blessed with great people throughout your life. I think it's a result of the great person you are.
