Saturday, October 20, 2012


I am so grateful for the “connection” between Swaziland and my family and friends in the Salt Lake Valley and all over the world.  There are so many things that bring us together – emails, facebook, letters and packages,  and a phone system.  With just a click I can connect myself and discover all the amazing things going on with those I love.    I call on the phone, they answer and it sounds like they are just a room away.  At these times, I do not feel so far away.

The connection between Heaven and Earth is just a click away, also.  I feel discouraged and I get an email from family or friends that puts a smile on my face and brightens my day.  Not a coincidence – no, a connection.  We listen to conference on Saturday in Nhlangano and Bro. Shayne Bowan shares his heartache over the death of his child 22 years ago and says that his fullness of joy will not return until they are reunited in the hereafter.  Behind me sits Branch President Bulunga who lost his wife in May 2010 and shares with me..”that talk was for me.  Sometimes the pain hurts so badly and I do not feel joy.  Sometimes people think it has been a long time.  It hasn’t been long – just 2 years and 5 months.  But I know that we will be reunited and I will have that fullness of joy. “  A connection between Heaven and Earth.    On Thursday, we felt the desire to visit Sister Chozen – her homestead is not on the way to anywhere, but we went.  She said that she had been very sick.  Her back started to hurt and all she could do was crawl.  She didn’t want to bother anyone because she lives so far away from everyone.  We showed up and Dennis was able to give her a blessing.  A heavenly phone call connected to someone on earth.  At these times, heaven doesn’t seem so far away.

Here I am in Swaziland and I can dial 10 numbers and connect with my family thousands of miles away.  I have no concept how that can happen.  This made me think why should it be so hard to comprehend our Heavenly Father being able to connect Heaven and Earth through an inspiration for someone to write an email that would calm a troubled heart; or share a heartache with someone he does not know and lives across the world and having the same pain; or inspiring a couple to visit a sister that needs a blessing.  It is not hard at all for Him.  But he needs us to listen and then “don’t delay that prompting”.  We and the Holy Ghost are the connection. 

There have been times when the Holy Ghost has filled my soul.  The bearing of testimonies, the Lobamba boys sharing their conversions with us in our home, visiting people that are so humble that the spirit just surrounds them.  These are times that the veil is so thin, that there needs no connection because Heaven was here on earth.    God was near and I felt His love for me, Dennis, my family and these amazing people that surround me.  I am grateful for the “connection between Heaven and Earth”. 

Monday, October 15th, we spent the day re-connecting with people we had met and promised to return.  First on the list was the Care Point that we had helped at for Helping Hands back in August.  I had promised that sweet lady that takes care of those 50 children from 1 to 6 years old (you can read all about her on a previous blog), that I would return with some ice cream containers that she uses to store pencils, etc. and cookies for the children.  When we arrived and inquired where she was, we were informed that she had died the week prior and her funeral had been on Sunday. Oh, how my heart broke.  Why had I delayed the prompting.  I missed the chance to see her again.  She had started this Care Point for orphan children in 1975.  So for 37 years Heavenly Father had given her the strength to care and teach these little children.    Can you imagine in 37 years, how many children’s lives she has blessed and touched.  The children were being taught by some volunteers until they can find someone else to sacrifice their time to assist these orphans.  The children were thrilled to receive the cookies and excited to show us their work.  The room that was being built earlier when we were there is looking very good. 

This is our dear friend that is now gone


The new room being built by volunteers in August


Now look at it……


For years they have been gathering under the tree because they had no other place to go


Dennis offering cookies


Doing their studies





Don’t you think I should bring her home with me.


In August the Ezulwini Branch planted a garden for them….


Now look at it!


This is written on the wall in their school room.  The room is not quite finished.



Then we drove to Baobab Batik to give them some yogurt containers that they put their paints in.  Yogurt is my choice for breakfast so I have a lot of containers.  I am not  sure what they were more excited to receive – the containers or the cookies.  How they love “sweets” here.  We proceeded to the snak shack, Mbabane and then home.  We enjoyed another evening with the elders.


Tuesday, October 16th – ETHAN’S BIRTHDAY!  My Ethan turns 12 today.  I remember the day that he was born and it doesn’t seem like 12 years ago.  I will turn around and he will be leaving on his mission.  He will receive the priesthood on Sunday.  Another milestone that we will not be there for.

This is an old picture but the only one I have of him. We have to remedy that. HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY ETHAN 


It was ZDM Tuesday – which means another breakfast for the elders.  I enjoy this morning feeding the missionaries.  Elders Lorimer and Mokoena came over early and cooked the pancakes for us.  It was great.  We were actually ready for them when they came and I had pancakes left over.  That has never happened.  We went over to the chapel for the meeting.  Again, the zone leaders did a fabulous job.  After, we saw Nathi Nhlatsbatsi walking to Gables and invited him over to have breakfast left overs.  It was great to share.  Dennis ran errands after and I stayed home and cooked – surprised.  We had three couples over for dinner and the showing of Courageous.  They were:  George and Futhi Dlamini, Velaphi and Simile Simelane and the Mtetwa’s.  We got 5 minutes into the movie and the electricity went out.  We had a rainstorm, thunder and lightning storm that was unbelievable. (Dennis tried to get hold of all the “walking” elders to make sure they were okay but the phones were down also.  We later found out the the Manzini elders had to pull over off the freeway because they could not see and the back of their bakki was a foot high with hail.)  We lit a candle and then talked for two hours hoping electricity would go back on but never did.  After they left, Dennis and I sat out on our patio and watched the rain and lightning.  Quite a show.  When we came in, there was a frog that had decided he wanted to make himself at home.  But I had other plans for him.




Our Zone Leaders – Elders Mabena, Maclean


Playing a game



Simelane, Mtetwa, Dlamini – enjoying the evening by candle light


Wednesday, October 17th was a day for visiting.  We went and saw Nombulelo to give her a picture of her sister and herself.  She was so excited.  She said “I didn’t know I was so beautiful.  We look like twins.  I didn’t know.”  So cute.  Then we went to Manzini Market to give those sweet “Women Power” friends pictures of the group that saved our money!  I developed 5 but everyone wanted one so I need 4 more.  And then of course, they wanted to “shoot” other pictures.  We had an appointment to go to Mpaka to visit a recent baptized member, Nosizwe, that has not come to church for a long time but there was a huge storm Tuesday night and so she was too busy at work to see us.  But we had promised Musa Mamba that we would take him to his Auntie’s home.  He is starting a, I call them snak shacks – not sure what they are really called – snak shack by a high school in Mpaka and needed to get his supplies there.  After we dropped him off, we took a ride to Siteki.  Dennis had read about a place to eat there called the R&B Restaurant that he wanted to try.  But when we got there this restaurant was a bar and after looking at the menu, decided that we were not hungry.  So we waited and ate left overs.  Dennis attended the Mbabane’s presidency meeting and I visited with the Manzini elders. 

This is Nombulelo’s picture of her and her sister – beautiful, huh?


Showing their pictures



Vusu Mamba’s new financial venture



Coming home from school


Playground equipment




We saw this sign on our way up to Siteki and thought of all my children at home!


On the way up to Siteki


We have just felt the desire to visit lately.  There are so many wonderful people that we have met and if we do not make an effort to visit them, we lose contact.  I think the Lord has been working on us to get back to some of these wonderful people – some investigators, others “rescue” members and then some members.  So visiting was on the agenda again on Thursday.  It has kind of been the theme for this week.   First, Dennis took Sbu around Mbabane applying for internships at garages.  They found a few possibilities.  We had tried yesterday to see Bhekiwe but she wasn’t home so we decided to try again.  Mission accomplished this time.  She was excited to see us.  We sat outside and enjoyed the view along with the chickens.  We even saw how chickens are “nested”.  Pictures down below.  Never knew that chickens could fly but their nests are up in a tree and the babies also will fly to get down and back up.  Fascinating.  Then a drive to Mbabane to develop a whole bunch of pictures of Portia’s wedding for her gogo.  A drive to the outskirts to Sister Chozen’s house proved to be one of those connections which I talked about.  I love this lady.  She has entered my heart and will always be there.  The Webb’s from Joburg are in town with their son and came over to visit.  A good day of connecting!

Me and Bhekiwe


Visiting with Bhekiwe


Look how high up she is


Warming her eggs




Our special friend – I love this lady


That calf is was born on Tuesday during the hail storm– only two days old – Chozen’s homestead


Friday started with baking brownies.  We went and did boarding checks.  Some are having second chances.  They so want Celestial Boarding certificates (I am sure it is the candy bars that they want)  and they know that I can’t be tough with them.  So I give them second chances.  Then to Manzini Market to pick up items for Christmas.  We met the Webb’s there and they wanted to see the Msibi family again.  So off we went.  Sister Msibi looks so good.  Another lady that I love dearly.  The Webbs had some food for them which they so appreciated.  Dennis and I finished our visiting at the Shongwe homestead to see Portia’s gogo to present her the pictures that I had put in an album.  Oh, she was so happy that she gave me another rug that she had made with plastic bags.  This one is for you Trista – like you requested.  I had told her that you had loved them and wanted to buy one.  She remembered this but insisted that she give it to you.  It started to rain while we were on our way to Summerfields to have dinner with the Webbs.  We saw the devastation that the storm did to this beautiful botanical gardens at Summerfield.  Not one leaf was left on their beautiful jacaranda trees and all their roses were destroyed. So sad. But the dinner was delightful with good friends.

They were cleaning when we arrived so Dennis pitched in and helped


Wendy was mopping the floor when we arrived and Dennis walked in with some food and made prints all over. So he cleaned up.


Wendy carrying a jug of water


Masabandze coming home from school.  He is now working for someone to pay for his school fees.  He had cooked something at school and shared with us. 


Simphiwe, Sister Webb, Venus, Me, Wendy, their cousin


Gogo looking at the picture book



She had me pick a rug for a gift – yours Trista


This one is mine that she gave me.


Shongwe brothers and others…they have gathered for the funeral of their sister – 36 years old.


Dinner at Summerfield


October 20th….it s Anthony’s 6th birthday.  What a wonderful young man he is turning out to be.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetheart!!


We woke up early on Saturday to drive to Mbabane to see their second chance boarding check.  Still not great but they tried.  They have rearranged all their rooms and now all sleep together in one room.  Sleepover every night.  Then we drove to Nhlangano to deliver their conference DVDs.  We stayed and watched with them.  There were only a few of us but the session was powerful.  Heaven and earth were close that morning.  We wanted to leave and try and make it to Ezulwini for the 2nd session but Pres. Bulunga asked if Dennis could go to Bro. Dludlu’s to renew his temple recommend.  We agreed whole heartedly because we love this man.  We both were excited to see each other.  We didn’t get to make it to the second session of conference so I guess we will have to wait until they come out.  Shame.

Mbabane’s sleepover

Mbabane sleepover 2

Listening to conference – Nhlangano Branch


Jacaranda trees in Nhlangano.  Isn’t it beautiful


Bro. Dludlu, Dennis and Pres. Bulunga


It is light around here by 4:30 a.m.  I think we need daylight savings time so it will be lighter at night.  4:30 a.m. is way too early to be light.   How do I know this?  We were up this early Sunday morning, October 21st.  We wanted to attend the funeral of a brother of one of the Lobamba boys, Majaha.  He had died suddenly Monday.  Majaha was devastated.  It was just him,  his brother and little sister left in the family.  So now it is just him left to provide for his little sister.  We visited him on Saturday so we would know where to go.  When we woke, it was raining and thought we would not go.  But the feeling persisted that we should anyway, so we got ready. When we got there they were at the graveside singing and preaching.  The night vigil was over.  When they saw us they asked Dennis to speak.  I sure wish our “white skin” wouldn’t stand out so much but Dennis did a fabulous job.  Majaha was very grateful that we had come.  There were a lot of members that had lost loved ones this week.   Pres. Shongwe’s sister passed away suddenly last week leaving 4 children – two of them being 2 years old and 9 months. We were going to attend that night vigil but it was raining hard and it was far away.   Pres. Mahlalela’s brothers son and then Majaha’s brother.  A lot of sadness.

Majaha’s brothers funeral – early morning



We listened to Sunday morning conference in the Manzini branch and afternoon session in Ezulwini.  They were great sessions but the morning’s was powerful.  Such a great day.  We were talking to Bonghosi and asked him if he had attended yesterday’s sessions.  He answered with a fervent yes and all 3 sessions with the priesthood session – 6 hours.  Now remember he has only been a member maybe 4 months and spent his Saturday in front of a screen watching 6 hours of people speaking.  How many of us would do that?  I do not think I would.  Then he exclaimed..”Powerful”.  These are strong young men with “powerful” testimonies.  I came home and made rolls and decided we needed to go visit some more. So we took some rolls to a less-active family, Dlamini’s that had been offended and stopped coming whom we have been visiting, because they were at church and we didn’t get to talk to them.  They welcomed us warmly and we had a great visit.  We continued to another Dlamini family – Ephraim and Mavis.  He came to church with his wife – such an exciting thing.  But they left early so we again did not have the opportunity to visit.  Mavis was not home but it was good to talk with Ephraim.  When we were about to leave he asked me if I liked village chickens.  I told him I did not know what that was.  I asked if it was alive.  The affirmative.  I told him I did not know how to kill a chicken and he laughed.  How could I be a woman and not know how to kill, pluck and cook a chicken.  I told him he was going to have to teach me.  I hope he does not keep that promise.  I have never been offered a live chicken before.  I guess there are firsts for everything.

It has been a good week and now we are off to Durban for a week for presidency meeting.  I am looking forward to it but we both feel there is so much to do here we hate to waste our time.  But it will be nice to visit with everyone in Durban.  Until next time…… ya all.

“And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in a vision, even that he saw the heavens open, and he thought he saw God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God.”  1 Nephi 1:8 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun week. And how lucky for you to listen to conference twice in just a few weeks!
