On 19 December we left for a Christmas adventure in George and East London, South Africa which we shared with 3 other couples......Waltons, Jubbers and Grafs. It was a grand holiday......different but the Christmas spirit can be found in any continent, in any kind of weather or any situation. This was a Christmas that I will reflect on in the future with fond memories. I will be forever grateful for these wonderful couples and those that opened their homes and love to us so we would have a place to gather on Christmas Eve and day. The following is our Christmas adventure:
19 December we left with Chuck and Liz Walton at 5:30 and drove for 12 hours to George. Our conversation kept us busy which helped the time pass quite quickly. We hooked up with the Jubbers and Grafs at our hotel in George.
I had never been in this part of South Africa before. I guess the scene is the same wherever you go in South Africa.
We drove through this quaint city, Uniondale. Loved it - nestled in the mountains and surrounded with foilage.

Isn't this church beautiful?
You can't see it, but George is in the distance .....so excited to arrive.
Liz and Church Walton and Dennis

Fabulous view of the mountains that we drove down to get to George - a charming city
The Protea Hotel - our accommodations for the next four nights

The Christmas lights outside of our hotel
Restaurant across the street where we enjoyed our first meal in George
20 December was Sunday, so, of course, we attended church. It was just a block away from our hotel and was upstairs of a Home and Electric building.
Getting ready for sacrament services
The branch president's wifeRelief Soceity
The primary and youth meet on the second floor. Sacrament services was held on the third floor.
Ginny and Paul Graf ready for some sightseeing. Looking the part
The Indian Ocean
Our group
The view from a restaurant - we were all disappointed because it was full
Indian Ocean in Wilderness, South Africa
If you look carefully, in the upper middle of the picture you can see a drone that the man in the pink is controlling. His drone has gone 7 kilometers - a world record.
A closer look at the drone. Earlier he was taking pictures of surfers in the ocean.
Sand craps eating a jellyfish
Liz and Chuck Walton, Dennis, Ginny and Paul Graf , Janet and Vernon Jubber
The slave tree in George. Dennis had just finished The Covenant, a book by James A. Michener, about the history of South Africa. They had talked about this particular tree in George where they would auction slaves.
You could see the actual chains - the bark of the tree had grown around them.
This cute family was just sitting on the street outside of the church.
Monday, 21 December was a fun-filled day of exploring the magnificent Cango Caves, learning about ostriches and even riding them (Highgate Ostrich Farm), eating ostrich burgers and going to see Star Wars!
Before you enter you need to make sure you can fit through some tight places (actually just if you go on an extra tour)
Ready for "spilunking"It was beautiful - pictures do not do it justice
The Lord's handiwork
My camera wouldn't capture the true colors of the cave
Our guide
On the way to the ostrich farm, we saw elephants. It was Sister Graf's first elephant sighting!Love donkeys. There is something so fascinating about them.
Making of an ostrich duster.....
A baby ostrich
Standing on an ostrich egg...
Felt like Fritz on "Swiss Family Robinson"
22 December was jam packed. We drove for an hour to Knysna for boat sailing in the bay. It was too windy to go out into the ocean. Then on further to Plettenberg Bay to Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary where we went to Monkeyland, Birds of Eden and then the Wild Cat Park. Enjoy the pictures as you experience with us the amazing animals we were able to be with.
Of course, found a market to enjoy....
The beautiful Knysna Bay
Our captain and his daughter..
Saw a seal...

Monkey playing with Paul's zipper on his pants
So many different kinds ....
One of the longest walking suspension bridges in the world
Couldn't get enough pictures of these animals
Birds of Eden
Wild Cat Park
Feeding time...
23 December, Wednesday, we had to leave beautiful George to work our way up the South Africa Garden Route to East London where we would spend Christmas. But on the way we saw and experienced some amazing sights......
One moment we see magnificent beach houses, turn the corner and we're back in reality.
Bloukranis Bridege - highest bridge in the world.....
where you can bungy jump off which Elder Walton did as we looked on.
Then off to Tsitsikanma Fall Adventures where we did a zip line - awesome!
We went over three waterfalls, gorges and had a marvelous time!
We met up with the Jubbers and Grafs and continued to East London - put saw some magnificent scenery and towns on the way.
I loved the enchanting city of Grahamstown - I hope I have the opportunity to return
City settled in 1820 - a church on every street corner. Must have been a religious revival going on in South Africa along with Palmyra, New York.
Little cities scattered all along the route
Arriving in East London where we stayed - Fourteenth Green. Named after its location - on the 14th green of a golf course.
Elder Jubber was born in East London but after 7 years, his family relocated in Lethbridge, Canada. He returned to South Africa on his mission. He still has family here and this was his cousin's B & B. They had closed it down for the holidays but graciously allowed us to stay. In years to come, when I reflect on past Christmas', I will remember Leon and Sharon Delport and their kindness.
I have never been so relaxed on Christmas Eve as I was this day. While our family back home was having a snow blizzard, we were on the Indian Ocean enjoying the warmth of the sun.
We went on a catamaran ride...
John Barry, our captain
Sister Jubber enjoying the ride
A lighthouse directing the way
Lots and lots of dolphins surrounded us
Our group with the skipper
CHRISTMAS EVE with the Therons - Eslie, Gil and their daughter Wendy.
When Elder Jubber was serving in East London, he found a young couple that he taught the gospel. The husband joined immediately but the wife took quite a few years before she entered the waters. Even though she attended faithfully and even had callings, she didn't want to disrespect her parents so waited until her mother had passed on. (Elder Jubber blessed Wendy when she was 3 years old.) They had kept in contact over the years. They graciously invited strangers into their home so we would have a place to spend Christmas.
Sister Jubber and Gil Theron
They live on the banks of a river
Christmas singing began with Eslie Theron
Acting out the nativity - never seen it done with "old" people.
Mary riding off on the donkey.
Our narrator....
Left for Hogsback - (2 hour drive)
Picture taken through the window - it was spectacular
A small hike
Families enjoying nature for Christmas
We had lunch in a quaint restaurant there in Hogsback
Back to the Theron's where they put on an amazing spread - never before have I had Christmas dinner outside.
Look at this food - turkey, roast, pork, salads, mashed pototoes and gravy, yams and even green jello!
Eslie with his crown - such a cute man - personality plus....
We all had Christmas crowns....
Ginny, Wendy and Gil
Christmas full moon...
Wendy, Eslie, Vernon Jubber and Gil - Elder Jubber gave this family the greatest gift - the gospel.
I will always have fond memories of the Therons for their kindness.
A ward house in East London
Morgan's Bay
We went to the cabin/home of Leon & Sharon - Elder Jubbers cousin who owned the B & B on Morgan's Bay. Their home is situated on the mouth of where the river merges with the ocean.
Leon and Sharon
Morgan's Bay beach
Dennis ready to enter the ocean
Dennis, Chuck Walton and Vernon Jubber
He was COLD....
I love everything about the ocean
Back to their home for a braai.....their daughter Lindy and her two children
Elder Jubber's South Africa family
Their home
Sunday, we headed for home.....again pictures bad. Settlements scattered all over the countryside.
We entered the city of Aliwal to buy gas. We needed to use the toilets but they said they weren't working because they had no water. We went to another petro port and the same thing. Dilemna for us who do not know how to use the shrubs. There is a huge draught going on in South Africa, particularly in the central part. We saw golf courses that were totally yellow. Such a sad sight.
It is a Khosa tradition when boys become a man they have to go to these little tents to be circumcised and then spend weeks there to heal alone. Their families prepare food for them but the elders have to bring it to them. Apparently, it happens twice a year and we saw these little tents all over while we traveled.
I am so grateful for this season......a time to remember the birth of our Savior - the greatest gift ever given.
Don't you know you can't go to ostrich farms without us?