Friday, May 13, 2016


We had a SWAZILAND INVASION for a couple of weeks. Can't begin to express how much I enjoy when they come visit.  It is like a "burst of sunshine" entering my soul and it re-energizes me.  When we are with our Swazi family, happiness surrounds me.

But I think I will talk about the weeks in consecutive order of the days.

Monday, 18 April we had a movie under the stars with the senior couples.  We received permission from the area presidency to turn their courtyard into a "DRIVE-IN MOVIE" theater.  We hung a sheet around their pillars, set up the sound system and computer, borrowed Sister Vissini's popcorn machine, had hot chocolate and wassil, set up chairs and showed the movie Courageous.  We had such a great time.  But around 3:00 we weren't sure if it was going to happen.  We had a down pour!  It was not on the forecast and surprised us all.  What to do?  We decided that we might have to move it to the devotional room.  But to our delight, a couple of hours later, the sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful evening.  There is nothing like being out under the stars!
Setting up the "movie snacks"

 The popcorn machine
 The venue
 The spectators
 The movie - Courageous

 A great evening - had such a good time.
Tuesday, 19 April, 2016 Sister Claudia Hamilton hosted a lady that had grown up in the White House - the home that now houses the area presidency.  Her parents had built it and she wanted to bring her daughter-in-law to see it.  Her mother was a botanist and designed the grounds with waterfalls, ponds and walkways through trees. Sister Hamilton asked us to join them and we video taped the tour and captured her remembrances of growing up in the home.  It was a special time for us.
Leonae Blecher is greeted by Sister Claudia Hamilton
 What we call the White House is really the Endulini.
Sister KK Ellis joined us
 In 1950, her mother received a city award for her design of the grounds
 The staircase
We took her inside where she talked about what the different rooms were used for

 Leonae with her daughter-in-law and Sister Hamilton
 There is a historical marker on the home
 Me with Leonae Blecher - a most sweet lady
This young man, Sanele Zondi,  greets us every morning.  He volunteers in the Self-Reliance Center
 Liz Vizzini greets patrons coming to the temple
 Zimbabwe invades the Johannesburg temple
 A child of God

This cute family stopped me and asked me to take a picture.  Recently...A Forever Family

Thursday, 21 April SWAZILAND INVADES.  Around 30 people from the two Manzini branches arrived at the temple.  My heart was overjoyed.  They have three families that are being sealed and brought with them a great supporting cast.  Xolani and Futhi and their little boy, Sivuse are staying with us along with Mac Shongwe who seems to belong to every branch in Swaziland.  We enjoyed the visits with Solomon Mahlalela (Busi could not get off work to come), Tip Top, Concelia Ntshalintshali, the Mantinito family, President Mthethwa and his wife, Mpilo Nkambule, Nkhosikona Sibandze, Pierre family, Andrew and Thembeni Simelane, Siko and Phindile Ntshalintshali and others that we met that have joined since we left.  New and old friends united.  So great.  A little bit of Heaven....
Swaziland arrives.....
 Andrew and Thembani Similane
 Solomon and Portia
 My favorite Swazi - Tip Top
 The group....

 Futhi and Xolani Sithole

 Of course, suckers for the children and brownies for the rest..

 Sivuse making himself at home...

 I think every father in every nation does this with their children..
 At the temple waiting.....

 Thembani and Nkosikona
Three families are now sealed for time and all eternity..
 Mantinto family 
 This couple was sealed...she is expecting.  Now the child will be born in the covenant.
 This family was sealed also.  Their father had passed recently.

 A happy day....aren't they magnificent
Xolani and Sivuse
It was Futhi's birthday on Monday, 18 April so we celebrated it together on Friday.
 A surprise for Futhi

 Enjoyed by all

 Friday night, Manqoba and his fiance, Ponthso Mokoena from Lesotho joined us.  It was a full house and I loved it!
 We found room for everyone

 Saturday, we had to say good-bye
 President Mthethwe and his wife..
 Solomon, Futhi and Mac in the center
 The distribution center
 Futhi is having a GIRL!!! Showing her small bump
Manqoba Shongwe and Ponthso Mokoena - lebola negotiations on 21 May 2016

 Four generations - Futhi's grandmother, aunt, her and Sivuse
 Saying good-bye to Mpilo.....
 ....Patricia Shongwe.....
 ....Tip Top....
....Concelia Ntshalintshali

It was really hard for me to say good-bye to these amazing people that have so blessed my life.  My Saturday afternoon was spent feeling a little sorry for myself.  But that night brightened my spirits.....I spent it with some of our great senior couples at an International party given by the Powells.  We had a good time eating and playing Jeopardy.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my adorable little LIAM.  Liam turned 3 years old on Thursday, 21 April. This little one was born while we were in Swaziland and was a real handful for our daughter, Trina. Liam still has a lot of energy and a mind of his own but is just so darn adorable, you can't help but love him.  Happy Birthday Liam.  I know you enjoyed your dinosaur party!

Sunday, 24 April 2016 we attended the Pimville Ward.  Thoba invited us to her Sacrament meeting where she was speaking and then asked me to take single pictures of each of the sisters in the ward.  She is the Relief Society president and is doing some project that needs individual pictures.  So, of course, we attended...she did a great job on her talk and Dennis and I loved taking the pictures.  I placed the pictures on a memory stick and gave them to her.  After we took a drive and saw some places we had never gone before.  I seriously cannot get enough of sights of Africa.
Thomas Masapi and his family (I wrote about him in the post called Visionary People)
 Enjoy the beautiful Pimville Relief Society sisters
She works in the distribution center

 This is our dear friend Nomti who works in travel.

 Pimville Ward Bishop and his cute family

 Sister Mary Louise Beckstrand assigned to this ward - she teaches piano after church every week
 Thoba and me - I need one of those head dresses.  It was a windy day and you would never know it by looking at the African sisters.
Our drive

Monday 25 April 2016 was a busy day.  The devotional speakers were Elder Rion and Sister Charlotte Needs who are leaving on Saturday for their new calling as office couple of the new Mbuji Mayi mission in the DRC.  They were superb talks about trials and tribulations and charity.  These Monday morning devotionals is a plus for serving in the area office.  I made a birthday cake for those who have birthdays - Rion Need, Paul Graf and Janet Jubber.  In the afternoon Nathi and Masisi Dlamini showed up in the center.  They had mentioned a while ago that they were trying to come but we had not heard.  How thrilling it was to see them!!!!  We had a few plans for the evening, so we gave them our keys so they could make themselves comfortable in our flat.  It was Rion Needs birthday so the Beckstrands and us took them out for birthday and farewell dinner.  Eish, we will miss them.  Home again and visited with Nathi and Masisi before we had to leave for the airport to pick up Aduma Stengile and his soon to be bride, Analisa and their families from the airport.  So excited for them.  
Birthday celebration for three pretty special people

 Dinner at Turn and Tender with Char and Rion Needs
 Mary Louise and Linford Beckstrand
 Dennis and me
 Nathi and Masisi Dlamini enjoying some dessert I had made
 At the airport picking up the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Stengile

 Aduma and Analisa
Tuesday, 26 April 2016 we spent at the center while Nathi and Masisi shopped in the city.  Aduma came in and talked with us for a while in the center.  He was a marvelous missionary and will make an amazing husband.  We attended the 5:00 session at the temple with Nathi and Masisi and Aduma and Analisa who was going for the first time.  There is no where in the world that can compare to the spirit felt in the temple.  We went home, ate and played games. 
Wednesday 27 April was a South African holiday so it was a great time to have Nathi and Masisi visit.  We got up early and drove to Hartbeesport where they had never been.  They also had never been on a cable car, so up the mountain we went.  They enjoyed very much the ride and view.   Masisi had never experienced being up the high before.  She has never been on a plane, so this was a complete joy for her.  We drove through the tunnel, had lunch and then hurried home so they could get back to Swaziland.  Again hard to say good-bye but I have learned to "smile" and enjoy the time we have with them and not "cry" because it has to end.
Getting ready to load on the cable car
Up we go.....
 Hartbeespoort Lake
 A selfie....

 Another hard good-bye..

Thursday, 28 April we went to the center early and worked.  At noon we went and picked up the   wedding cake for the celebration after Aduma and Analisa's sealing.   3:00 was the magical hour and it was so nice to be with them and their friends and family. Their eyes were fixed upon each other and you could feel their love.  I pray that their eyes continue to be fixed upon each other and the Lord and it will continue to be a match made in Heaven. We went back to the center and worked until they came down to the canteen for the wedding dinner that Liz had prepared for them.  Analisa is the Mandalay (Cape Town Stake) Relief Society President and her entourage was only her aunt, her bishop, his wife and the 1st counselor and his wife.  What a sacrifice for these brethren to fly from Cape Town to Johannesburg to be with her during this special occasion in her life.  That is going beyond the call of duty.  What a pleasure it was to sit with them during the dinner and gleam from their stories and feel of their love for the gospel.  Again, I love the people here in Africa.
While we were waiting for the bride and groom to come out, we visited with the MTC missionaries that had just come out of the temple.  Representation from all over the world preparing to serve in Africa. 
 Elder Lukhele from Swaziland was part of the MTC missionaries.  He just entered on Saturday.  It was so good to see him.  
 This is Mandalay Ward's Bishop - Imani Jimmy Mwaipopo and his wife.  They flew from Cape Town just to be here with Analisa
 Aduma and Analisa's friends and family
 Dennis found a friend.  He wouldn't let go of his finger.  How cute is this.
 Presenting the new Mr. and Mrs. Stengile

 Dennis and Bishop Mwaipopo - we were so impressed with the "aura" that surrounded this man.  As bishop of the Mandalay Ward, he has had to overcome a major obstacle that no bishop should ever have to handle.  A great man.
  The new couple surrounded with their influential church leaders
Bishop Mwaipopo and Bishop Aduma's bishop (didn't get his name)
 Their biggest fans!!
 The canteen transposed into a wedding venue
 Liz and her husband, Andrea

 Mandalay's 1st Counselor - Luthando Christopher Matsaluka - we have made arrangements to capture his oral history.  A story of a lifetime of dedicated service.  I would love to attend one of their bishopric meetings - they both have quite a sense of humor.  So fun to sit with them.
 Sandile Makasi, works in travel in the area office, knew both of these men.  In fact, Bro. Matsaluka was staying with him for the night.
 Friday morning we picked up Aduma and Analisa and their families at 6:00 to take them to the airport.  Elder Jubber assisted us with his car.  
 Another good-bye
 From left to right 
Aduma's sister and mother, Analisa and her aunt and Aduma
 On our way home from the airport we saw this kombi turned over on its side.  These kombi drivers are crazy taking such risks as they transport the people.  These kombis has 14 - 20 people jammed into them.  I have no idea if anyone got hurt.
Friday during lunch we had a going away party for Rion and Char Needs.  Everyone turned out.

 Every transfer a group of elders come to the temple.  This was a district that decided to have lunch and  their district meeting in the canteen.  The third one on the right is Elder Sifiso Ndwandwe from Swaziland.  He goes home the end of May.  Swazi's surround us!!!!  We are so lucky to be here.
 Also on Friday, a large group from Botswana arrived.  In November I talked about a group of young men called the Band of Brothers.  Some of them came back and it was so good to see them.  They came into the center and surprised us.  My heart is full.
 The Band of Brothers and now sisters with President and Sister Cook
 Friday evening we had the Needs and Jubbers over for dinner and games.
 Saturday we rose early and went to Irene Market with Weeks and joined Sean Donnelly and his wife, the Gattens and a couple from America
Saturday night we picked up Sister Tembi Zulu (another Swazi) who is working as a nanny, and took her to the BYU Young Ambassadors program in the Wits University Theater.  It was a magnificent program - such high energy entertainment.  Just what Sister Zulu needed....she oohed and awed through the whole thing.  Loved the program but loved sitting next to Sister Zulu more.
 Sister Zulu and Sister Sutherland

 The program also higlighted a famous South African choir - not sure of their name but they were excellent

29 April was Pace's birthday.  This young man has been such a joy to us.  With his puppy-dog eyes, he could get away with anything.  His care-free look at life endears him to me.  We love you Pace and can't wait until your little boy comes in July!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
 What a good sport....

After church on Sunday, 1 May we left for Swaziland.  Monday is another holiday for South Africa and Swaziland and they invited us to their couples activity. Of course, we headed back to our Swazi home to join them in the festivities.  We are so glad we did - they had between 70 - 80 in attendance! 
We stayed at the Mountain Inn in Mbabane.  It was beautiful.

 It overlooks the Ezulwini valley

 We joined the group at the Mbabane chapel at 6:00 and then headed up to Malolotja Nature Reserve for hiking, eating and playing games. (We picked up Solomon and Busi at the kombi rank)
Cabins in the reserve

 Starting the hike

Those that ventured the hike

 These blesboks (?) joined us on the hike

 Masisi is quite the hiker
 Simile Simelane
 Sister Robinson (her husband works for US Embassy and is the one that helped us get our Swaziland clearance to come to South Africa), Me and Masisi
 Me and Busi
 It is a beautiful place

Smile you're on candid camera

 After the hike there were many that welcomed us back

 Sister Sphiwe from Lobamba surprised me....
 Preparing the food - they requested homemade rolls but had no idea there would be so many.  I only made 50!
 Solomon setting up the Kubb game
 These couples are newly baptized members

 We left around 2:00 so we could get the Mahlalela's home, visit and get back to Johannesburg.  Gcina Hlatswayo called and asked us to come see him.  When we arrived, he wanted us to visit his wife, Xolile, who is in a year training with the police force.  So good to see them.  We were there for there baptism and sealing in the temple.  Special people.

 Solomon and Busi's family plus a few extra that they were tending - President Mthethwe's kids
 Then we drove to Lobamba to deliver some books and clothes so Elder Sifiso Ndwandwe's mother.
Dennis, Sphiwe and Sifiso' mom (Sphiwe was baptized right after we left and Sifiso's mom after Sifiso left on mission) They both are preparing to go to the temple in June.  Sphiwe has asked me to be her escort - I am honored.
 Down the streets of Lobamba

Zama, Sphiwe, Sifiso's mom, Dennis

 We headed for the border at 4:30 p.m. and was in line in our car for 1 hour just to get to the Swaziland border.  That is where we met these two cute boys selling avocados. Then we had to wait to get our passports stamped.  Back into our car and waited in the parking lot for another hour to get to the South Africa side.  I felt like cattle being herded when we got into the building to have our passports stamped.  It was crazy.  A sweet Jewish man helped us get to a line and kind of pushed his way in for us.  There is kindness constantly surrounding us.  How grateful I was.
This was the best I could do of the what it was like trying to get through the border.
We finally made it home around 10:30...tired but worth every moment to have been with our Swazi's.
Now we will just have to wait until we have another SWAZILAND  INVASION.  Hope it is soon.



  1. You guys look SO happy in these pictures. I love it. Miss you guys so much.

  2. Mom, Katie and I watched the TV series Roots (they made a new one) and a main theme of it was when the father raises their child to the sky and says something specific. I thought of that when you I saw the picture of that on here. We need a tradition like that. Thanks for the birthday shout out. My puppy dog brown eyes have gotten me so far.
